Scouting Report - May 13, 2019
May 13, 2019

Alfalfa – Starting to find new growth at the base of the alfalfa, signaling time to think about First Cutting of the season. Many fields in the area were battered by hail and high wind, so harvesting before stems dry out and drop leaves will prevent loss of tonnage.
Wheat – Wheat is starting to head out with the later wheat rapidly catching up. Fungicide is being applied to many fields as strip rust, leaf rust, and powdery mildew are being observed in the area. Many fungicides must be applied before the wheat reaches full flowering stage which typically occurs 10-14 days after heading.
Corn – Planting has been on hold due to wet conditions. Corn planted before the rain is emerging. In some areas of heavy precipitation, soil washed the corn seed too deep and emergence is spotty. Cool soil conditions are also slowing emergence. Corn requires a soil temperature of 50*F to germinate with optimal being 55*F or above.
Soybeans – Planting has been on hold for soybeans also. Very wet conditions are keeping planters out of the field and cooling the soil temperature down. Soybeans will germinate at a soil temp of 54*F or higher with optimum emergence temperature being 77*F. It is not unusual for soybeans to take 2-3 weeks to emerge at these lower soil temperatures.
For current soil temperature readings, visit:

Burndown Treatments – With recent rains, fallow or open ground is starting to green up. Starting to see a lot of crabgrass and a few pigweeds emerging. Weed control is most effective when weeds are 4” or smaller, so monitor these acres closely and plan to treat accordingly.
Wheat – Wheat is starting to head out with the later wheat rapidly catching up. Fungicide is being applied to many fields as strip rust, leaf rust, and powdery mildew are being observed in the area. Many fungicides must be applied before the wheat reaches full flowering stage which typically occurs 10-14 days after heading.
Corn – Planting has been on hold due to wet conditions. Corn planted before the rain is emerging. In some areas of heavy precipitation, soil washed the corn seed too deep and emergence is spotty. Cool soil conditions are also slowing emergence. Corn requires a soil temperature of 50*F to germinate with optimal being 55*F or above.
Soybeans – Planting has been on hold for soybeans also. Very wet conditions are keeping planters out of the field and cooling the soil temperature down. Soybeans will germinate at a soil temp of 54*F or higher with optimum emergence temperature being 77*F. It is not unusual for soybeans to take 2-3 weeks to emerge at these lower soil temperatures.
For current soil temperature readings, visit:

Burndown Treatments – With recent rains, fallow or open ground is starting to green up. Starting to see a lot of crabgrass and a few pigweeds emerging. Weed control is most effective when weeds are 4” or smaller, so monitor these acres closely and plan to treat accordingly.