Scouting Report - July 29, 2019
Jul 29, 2019
Corn – Tassel to Milk Kernel – Pollination looks good on earlier planted corn. Later planted corn ranges from Tassel Emergence to Blister kernel, so pollination is still to be determined. Seeing light infestations of spidermites in the lower canopy. Finding Gray Leaf Spot on fields that have not been treated with a fungicide.
Soybeans – Soybeans are in Bloom to Early Pod stages. Finding Dectes Stem Borer adult beetles in several fields, be on the look out for stem damage later this season. Still finding various levels of thistle caterpillar. Remember when treating for insects, applying a fungicide in the same application can save application costs and help improve plant health while protecting from disease that might enter at the sights of insect chewing.
Milo – Milo is mostly in the vegetative stages. Tillering looks good across most fields. Finding light levels of aphids in the whorl, but beneficial insects are keeping them contained. No Sugar Cane Aphids reported at this time. Seeing a lot of “shot-gun holes” from earlier season earworm chewing in the whorl. As the plant grows the damage from earlier chewing shows up as the leaves push up and out of the whorl. A couple field sprayed for Chinch Bugs last week.
Wheat Stubble and Summer Fallow - Weed pressure remains a concern across the territory. Weeds are much easier to kill when they are very small. Get your burndown acres turned in today!
Soybeans – Soybeans are in Bloom to Early Pod stages. Finding Dectes Stem Borer adult beetles in several fields, be on the look out for stem damage later this season. Still finding various levels of thistle caterpillar. Remember when treating for insects, applying a fungicide in the same application can save application costs and help improve plant health while protecting from disease that might enter at the sights of insect chewing.
Milo – Milo is mostly in the vegetative stages. Tillering looks good across most fields. Finding light levels of aphids in the whorl, but beneficial insects are keeping them contained. No Sugar Cane Aphids reported at this time. Seeing a lot of “shot-gun holes” from earlier season earworm chewing in the whorl. As the plant grows the damage from earlier chewing shows up as the leaves push up and out of the whorl. A couple field sprayed for Chinch Bugs last week.
Wheat Stubble and Summer Fallow - Weed pressure remains a concern across the territory. Weeds are much easier to kill when they are very small. Get your burndown acres turned in today!