Scouting Report - July 22, 2019
Jul 22, 2019

Wheat – Harvest is nearly finished throughout the territory. In our Northern territory, yields were well above average, with areas cutting over 100 bushel wheat. Averaged 12 protein across the territory, which is milling quality wheat. Yields in the southern territory were below average, most likely due to lost nutrients with the uncommonly wet spring, hail events, and Fusarium Head Scab.
Corn – V10 to VT – Pollination is occurring now. Hot, dry temperatures last week may have impacted pollination but it is still a little too early to tell. Cooler temperatures this week will help with corn that is just now reaching Tassel and Silking Stages. Corn earworm, Rootworm Beetles, and Aphids being found in corn, but below treatment levels.
Soybeans – Soybeans are in various flowering stages. Still seeing thistle caterpillars but remaining threshold levels. Weed control looks good in well canopied fields.
Milo – Milo in vegetative stages. Tillering looks good across most fields. Finding light levels of aphids in the whorl, but beneficial insects are keeping them contained. No Sugar Cane Aphids reported at this time.
Corn – V10 to VT – Pollination is occurring now. Hot, dry temperatures last week may have impacted pollination but it is still a little too early to tell. Cooler temperatures this week will help with corn that is just now reaching Tassel and Silking Stages. Corn earworm, Rootworm Beetles, and Aphids being found in corn, but below treatment levels.
Soybeans – Soybeans are in various flowering stages. Still seeing thistle caterpillars but remaining threshold levels. Weed control looks good in well canopied fields.
Milo – Milo in vegetative stages. Tillering looks good across most fields. Finding light levels of aphids in the whorl, but beneficial insects are keeping them contained. No Sugar Cane Aphids reported at this time.