Scouting Report - April 29, 2019

Apr 29, 2019

Scouting Report - April 29, 2019
Alfalfa – Alfalfa continues to grow rapidly. Finding heavier weevil larvae populations late last week that warranted spraying. Finding good control on those fields sprayed at the end of last week. Finding increased pressure on fields not yet treated.

Wheat – Wheat is looking good throughout the area. Most fields in jointing stage and getting some height. Starting to see some moisture stress on sandier fields. Finding very light levels of Leaf Rust in the southern territory and reports of Stripe Rust from KSU in surrounding counties. 

Corn – Being planted throughout the area now. Some corn planted mid-April is emerged and growing well.  

Soybeans – Being planted in areas.  Some planted mid-April are about to emerge.
Burndown Treatments – Starting to see marestail bolting and other winter annuals really greening up or flowering. Plan ahead for burndowns, especially on ground going to corn or soybeans. Many products have waiting periods before planting depending on soil type, so watch those closely.

Moisture throughout the area is variable. Some areas received as much as 1.90” rain last night.  Some hail and wind damage on wheat, too early to tell the impact on yield.

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