August 2019 Key Discussion Topics
Aug 05, 2019

Fall Planted Alfalfa - With 100 degree days, it can be tough to remember that Fall is just around the corner. If you are considering planting Alfalfa this Fall, here are a few things to consider. First, choose herbicides for burndown applications wisely. Check on the planting intervals to make sure you have enough time for the herbicide to dissipate before planting alfalfa. Second, soil sample and apply necessary fertilizer and lime. Many of our soils are not in the optimum pH range for growing alfalfa and need to have lime applied before planting. Third, seedbed prep is critical for getting a great stand of alfalfa. The ground should be firm enough you could bounce a basketball off the surface. Working out ruts and wheel tracks should be done now and planting a cover crop can help hold that soil until time to plant. Talk to our Seed Department today about booking your alfalfa seed for this fall.
NRCS Programs for 2020 – Are you considering implementing any new practices on your acreage that might impact the conservation levels on your farm? Many practices, ranging from cover crops to utilizing nutrient use efficiency products, altering tillage practices, or even converting from flood or pivot to subsurface drip irrigation, can all qualify for cost-share dollars through programs offered by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Environmental Quality Incentives Programs (EQIP) allows producers to improve structural or management practices that optimize benefits in an area with an identifiable resource concern on a field by field basis. Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) is for working lands to make improvements on a full farm level to improve conservation and stewardship of natural resources. Cammie Vaupel, our Conservation Agronomy Specialist, can help with deciding which program fits your needs and with the application process. The earlier the process is started, the better chance of getting approved for the programs.
Summer Fallow and Wheat Stubble Burndown – Open ground throughout Central Kansas is really greening up. Crabgrass, pigweeds, puncturevine, and many summer annuals are taking off growing as they soak up the remaining moisture and abundant sunlight. Hot, dry weather has cause some “hardening off” of tougher weeds like pigweeds. Spraying weeds when they are small and supple gives you the best chance of complete control. Book your burndown applications today.
Cover Crops and Grazing – Now is the perfect time to start planning for your Fall cover crops. Many small grains and tillage radishes can be planted in the next 30-45 days. We will have a great stock of Triticale this year for those who are looking for an alternative to Cereal Rye. Integrating cover crops with a grazing program can still provide all the great benefits of cover crops alone. These benefits include: building soil health, improving soil physical characteristics, reduced soil erosion and improved water storage capacity while also providing improved net profits.
2020 Seed Decisions – Although it seems a bit early to be talking about 2020, the time is now to be thinking about your seed needs for next year. Visit our Seed Test Plots to see a variety of trials including: Planting Date, Seed Treatments, Cover Crops, and Seed Varieties. While we are very aware of how different each year can be in the world of farming, you can still gain some valuable insights from seeing these extensive trials right here in our back yard. Seed meetings will be set for late August/early September to update our growers on the latest products and key dates for the best savings.
NRCS Programs for 2020 – Are you considering implementing any new practices on your acreage that might impact the conservation levels on your farm? Many practices, ranging from cover crops to utilizing nutrient use efficiency products, altering tillage practices, or even converting from flood or pivot to subsurface drip irrigation, can all qualify for cost-share dollars through programs offered by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Environmental Quality Incentives Programs (EQIP) allows producers to improve structural or management practices that optimize benefits in an area with an identifiable resource concern on a field by field basis. Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) is for working lands to make improvements on a full farm level to improve conservation and stewardship of natural resources. Cammie Vaupel, our Conservation Agronomy Specialist, can help with deciding which program fits your needs and with the application process. The earlier the process is started, the better chance of getting approved for the programs.
Summer Fallow and Wheat Stubble Burndown – Open ground throughout Central Kansas is really greening up. Crabgrass, pigweeds, puncturevine, and many summer annuals are taking off growing as they soak up the remaining moisture and abundant sunlight. Hot, dry weather has cause some “hardening off” of tougher weeds like pigweeds. Spraying weeds when they are small and supple gives you the best chance of complete control. Book your burndown applications today.
Cover Crops and Grazing – Now is the perfect time to start planning for your Fall cover crops. Many small grains and tillage radishes can be planted in the next 30-45 days. We will have a great stock of Triticale this year for those who are looking for an alternative to Cereal Rye. Integrating cover crops with a grazing program can still provide all the great benefits of cover crops alone. These benefits include: building soil health, improving soil physical characteristics, reduced soil erosion and improved water storage capacity while also providing improved net profits.
2020 Seed Decisions – Although it seems a bit early to be talking about 2020, the time is now to be thinking about your seed needs for next year. Visit our Seed Test Plots to see a variety of trials including: Planting Date, Seed Treatments, Cover Crops, and Seed Varieties. While we are very aware of how different each year can be in the world of farming, you can still gain some valuable insights from seeing these extensive trials right here in our back yard. Seed meetings will be set for late August/early September to update our growers on the latest products and key dates for the best savings.